Οι Ντάλας Μάβερικς δεν δείχνουν έτοιμοι να διεκδικήσουν το πρωτάθλημα τη φετινή σεζόν, με αρκετούς από τους θαυμαστές του Λούκα Ντόντσιτς να τον καλούν μέσω των social media να αποχωρήσει από τους Ντάλας Μάβερικς.
Αρκετοί από τους χρήστες του Twitter που πήραν θέση για το θέμα ήταν συμπατριώτες του, οι οποίοι υποστήριξαν πως όσο μένει στους Τεξανούς, δεν θα είναι σε θέση να πάρει τον τίτλο που τόσο επιθυμεί στο NBA.
Δείτε μερικά από τα σχετικά tweets:
I am Slovenian and I endorse this message. @mcuban tick tock goes the clock my guy! https://t.co/18Vtf86GdH
— elbert.eth🇦🇷🇪🇸 (@EthelbertObaze) November 18, 2022
I’m Slovenian and this is true. Whoever I talk to, we all agree that he should go where he can win. Apparently this is not Dallas.
— Anja (@Thanks4AlThFish) November 17, 2022
It’s funny, I kept trying to tell most Mavs fans that the moves they are making are not helping their case in the long run. Another year is going to pass, which is another year closer to Luka possibly leaving us. Call me pessimistic, but this looks like LeBron/KG situation. https://t.co/w9gNfZw9wN
— MarkTEP25 (@marktep25) November 18, 2022
I can verify this. Spoke to 3 guys from Slovenia after a game last year and they literally said they wish he was on a different team.
— Dirk Knight (@MFFL_5) November 17, 2022
It’s been ticking….he won’t spend his 30th bday in a Mavs uni and that makes me sad. Maybe before his max is up he can win one ring. But this group ain’t it. https://t.co/s5FGYFp6I3
— 🌵 Ŧ T. J. Kern Ŧ 🌵 (@TeeJayKern) November 17, 2022
There’s only so much you can put on a single player, I get loyalty and I’m all for it, but it goes both ways and Dallas is in year 5 of having Luka and this is arguably the worst roster he’s had since his rookie year, that’s not ideal lmfao https://t.co/Q9lC8Ij5ay
— jac (@jaccculpo) November 17, 2022
I won't blame him one bit and I will absolutely cheer him on.https://t.co/Sto4EbSOaM
— Aaron🌵 (@swaggymdees) November 17, 2022
I’ve been in this camp for awhile. I’m sure Luka will leave Dallas, but it’ll be for lack of winning and Mark Cuban. https://t.co/yjKgDiHegp
— SpamMavsMan (@SpamMavs) November 17, 2022
He’s going to leave cause Mark Cuban will never fix this. #Mavs #MFFL https://t.co/Eveqt9hF9J
— Jeffrey/Braves/Dolphins/Mavs (@KatysMyHabibi) November 17, 2022